If you're anything like us, if you've watched "Extreme Couponing" on TLC, you're hooked. I still think that some of the purchases the people on the show make are ridi
culous (again, who needs 85 bottles of mustard?), but I do applaud those on the show who donate the purchases they make with coupons to shelters and soldiers overseas. You might have noticed that several times the people showcased on "Extreme Couponing" have mentioned that they get additional coupon inserts from their local paper (and we're not talking one or two inserts... many, many more). Apparently this is a criminal activity that can be prosecuted. An article in the Richmond-Times Dispatch yesterday stated to "leave them out of it"! (Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Mallory.)
The paper cannot provide any extra coupon inserts. Coupons cannot be bought or sold. If you see coupons for sale through places like eBay, do NOT buy them.
There is some concern over whether the tactics used on the show constitute fraud. Don't be discouraged though. You can still save money on everyday purchases using coupons (and still score things for FREE... or next to nothing). Over the weekend, we were able to get a roll or paper towels, BBQ sauce, deodorant, Propel bottled waters, and lip balm without spending a dime, thanks to careful shopping and coupons. Savings can be made without being "extreme" (or illegal).
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